
Content Archiving - Email, File and SharePoint Archiving Solution
Top Features
According to the Ponemon Institute, 59% of people who lost their job admitted to taking confidential company information with them either on DVD or using USB drives. The proliferation of consumer devices such as iPods, USB devices, Smart Phones and more, has dramatically increased the risk of intentional and unintentional data leaks and other malicious activity. While most companies have anti-virus software, firewalls, email and web content security to protect against external threats, few realize how easy it is for an employee to simply walk in and copy large amounts of sensitive data onto an iPod or USB stick. There is also an increased risk of malicious and other illegal software introduction to your network through these devices. Of course your administrator could lock down all ports, an ill-advised, difficult and unsustainable solution.

What does GFI MailArchiver do?

Features to make life easier:

Great features for the user:

For more information about GFI MailArchiver,
please contact our Sales Representative at 2556 2162, or email at sales@ppn.com.hk.
According to the Ponemon Institute, 59% of people who lost their job admitted to taking confidential company information with them either on DVD or using USB drives. The proliferation of consumer devices such as iPods, USB devices, Smart Phones and more, has dramatically increased the risk of intentional and unintentional data leaks and other malicious activity. While most companies have anti-virus software, firewalls, email and web content security to protect against external threats, few realize how easy it is for an employee to simply walk in and copy large amounts of sensitive data onto an iPod or USB stick. There is also an increased risk of malicious and other illegal software introduction to your network through these devices. Of course your administrator could lock down all ports, an ill-advised, difficult and unsustainable solution.

What does GFI MailArchiver do?
GFI MailArchiver works in parallel with your email server
GFI MailArchiver works in parallel with Exchange, without any impact on or risk to the way Exchange works. It leverages the journaling feature of Exchange Server, taking a copy of journaled emails and archiving them in a separate server. This separates archiving activities from the Exchange server activity of delivering email, allowing you to free up space and increase performance of your Exchange server, while providing excellent scalability and reliability for your archive store. GFI MailArchiver can be also be used with other email servers and can poll email from any mail server which supports IMAP and Active Directory.
GFI MailArchiver works in parallel with Exchange, without any impact on or risk to the way Exchange works. It leverages the journaling feature of Exchange Server, taking a copy of journaled emails and archiving them in a separate server. This separates archiving activities from the Exchange server activity of delivering email, allowing you to free up space and increase performance of your Exchange server, while providing excellent scalability and reliability for your archive store. GFI MailArchiver can be also be used with other email servers and can poll email from any mail server which supports IMAP and Active Directory.
Automatically archives email into a single, central store
Your mail server is not the ideal place to store all organizational email. Over time it will cause a severe decline in email performance. With GFI MailArchiver you can move old emails into a separate database, which will keep your mail server performance high and email stores compact. GFI MailArchiver can manage your archive stores automatically, allowing you define the size of each archive store and how often you wish to roll over to a new archive store. GFI MailArchiver scales according to your needs. You can use SQL Express plus NTFS if you are a small to medium organization with relatively low email volume; using SQL Express has the advantage of saving on SQL Server® licensing costs. Larger organisations with a high volume of emails can opt to store their email archive in SQL Server.
Your mail server is not the ideal place to store all organizational email. Over time it will cause a severe decline in email performance. With GFI MailArchiver you can move old emails into a separate database, which will keep your mail server performance high and email stores compact. GFI MailArchiver can manage your archive stores automatically, allowing you define the size of each archive store and how often you wish to roll over to a new archive store. GFI MailArchiver scales according to your needs. You can use SQL Express plus NTFS if you are a small to medium organization with relatively low email volume; using SQL Express has the advantage of saving on SQL Server® licensing costs. Larger organisations with a high volume of emails can opt to store their email archive in SQL Server.
NEW! Rule-based or selective archiving
For those businesses that do not wish to archive everything, rule-based archiving allows the administrator to selectively archive email based on certain criteria, including sender, recipient, keywords or a combination of these. This feature provides flexibility to the administrator who wants automatic archiving but also wants to control which emails get archived.
For those businesses that do not wish to archive everything, rule-based archiving allows the administrator to selectively archive email based on certain criteria, including sender, recipient, keywords or a combination of these. This feature provides flexibility to the administrator who wants automatic archiving but also wants to control which emails get archived.
NEW! Manual archiving
Manual archiving allows companies to let users decide which emails they want to archive. Users can manually archive a single email or a whole folder of emails from within Outlook®, using the convenient GFI MailArchiver Outlook Connector. An organization does not need to be running Exchange to benefit from GFI MailArchiver in this way. Any business large or small that is using Microsoft® Outlook can manually archive emails irrespective of where their email is hosted.
Manual archiving allows companies to let users decide which emails they want to archive. Users can manually archive a single email or a whole folder of emails from within Outlook®, using the convenient GFI MailArchiver Outlook Connector. An organization does not need to be running Exchange to benefit from GFI MailArchiver in this way. Any business large or small that is using Microsoft® Outlook can manually archive emails irrespective of where their email is hosted.
NEW! Rule-based or selective archiving
For those businesses that do not wish to archive everything, rule-based archiving allows the administrator to selectively archive email based on certain criteria, including sender, recipient, keywords or a combination of these. This feature provides flexibility to the administrator who wants automatic archiving but also wants to control which emails get archived.
For those businesses that do not wish to archive everything, rule-based archiving allows the administrator to selectively archive email based on certain criteria, including sender, recipient, keywords or a combination of these. This feature provides flexibility to the administrator who wants automatic archiving but also wants to control which emails get archived.
Multiple database support and automatic database management
Manual archiving allows companies to let users decide which emails they want to archive. Users can manually archive a single email or a whole folder of emails from within Outlook®, using the convenient GFI MailArchiver Outlook Connector. An organization does not need to be running Exchange to benefit from GFI MailArchiver in this way. Any business large or small that is using Microsoft® Outlook can manually archive emails irrespective of where their email is hosted.
Manual archiving allows companies to let users decide which emails they want to archive. Users can manually archive a single email or a whole folder of emails from within Outlook®, using the convenient GFI MailArchiver Outlook Connector. An organization does not need to be running Exchange to benefit from GFI MailArchiver in this way. Any business large or small that is using Microsoft® Outlook can manually archive emails irrespective of where their email is hosted.
Reduces email storage requirements
Storing email in a separate database is more efficient and requires less space than storing email in a PST file. GFI MailArchiver uses single-instance storage (SIS) to store a single copy of a multi-recipient email and its attachments, rather than multiple copies of the same email. In addition, you get even more storage savings as GFI MailArchiver compresses (and decompresses) email attachments on the fly, which makes better use of your storage resources as compared to storing attachments in the Exchange stores.
Storing email in a separate database is more efficient and requires less space than storing email in a PST file. GFI MailArchiver uses single-instance storage (SIS) to store a single copy of a multi-recipient email and its attachments, rather than multiple copies of the same email. In addition, you get even more storage savings as GFI MailArchiver compresses (and decompresses) email attachments on the fly, which makes better use of your storage resources as compared to storing attachments in the Exchange stores.
No need for PST files
Using GFI MailArchiver eliminates the need for users to archive their mail in PST files on local hard disks. PST files can end up being very large and difficult to backup and search. Many users do not know how to organize their PST files properly. GFI MailArchiver gives your users the power to browse and retrieve past email from a central database, rather than having to search through a store of PST files on disk to find a particular email.
Using GFI MailArchiver eliminates the need for users to archive their mail in PST files on local hard disks. PST files can end up being very large and difficult to backup and search. Many users do not know how to organize their PST files properly. GFI MailArchiver gives your users the power to browse and retrieve past email from a central database, rather than having to search through a store of PST files on disk to find a particular email.
Migrates old PST files off client machines
Through GFI MailArchiver's agent-based PST Exporter, you can archive emails that were processed by Microsoft Exchange prior to the installation of GFI MailArchiver. The GFI PST Exporter uses the GFI MailArchiver Import Service to transfer emails to an archive store without any end-user intervention. Agents save extracted emails in a destination folder and the GFI MailArchiver Import Service then imports the extracted emails into a GFI MailArchiver archive store.
Through GFI MailArchiver's agent-based PST Exporter, you can archive emails that were processed by Microsoft Exchange prior to the installation of GFI MailArchiver. The GFI PST Exporter uses the GFI MailArchiver Import Service to transfer emails to an archive store without any end-user intervention. Agents save extracted emails in a destination folder and the GFI MailArchiver Import Service then imports the extracted emails into a GFI MailArchiver archive store.
Unlimited mailbox
Administrators are no longer forced to compromise between mailbox size quotas and Exchange performance. With GFI MailArchiver, users benefit from a near ‘unlimited’ mailbox – with easy access to their email at all times – because the software archives email in an SQL database and not on Exchange. With fewer storage demands, a smaller Exchange store and no stub files left on the server, administrators will notice a marked increase in performance.
Administrators are no longer forced to compromise between mailbox size quotas and Exchange performance. With GFI MailArchiver, users benefit from a near ‘unlimited’ mailbox – with easy access to their email at all times – because the software archives email in an SQL database and not on Exchange. With fewer storage demands, a smaller Exchange store and no stub files left on the server, administrators will notice a marked increase in performance.
Outlook integration, with stub-free technology
Integration with Outlook – including Outlook 2010 - means that archived email can be accessed from Outlook as if it were in an Exchange mailbox or a local PST file. While other products also offer Outlook integration, GFI MailArchiver does so without using stub files; a method that is discouraged by Microsoft as it creates problems for administrators. When using stub files, small portions of each email are still left in the Exchange Server store, taking up space and creating a negative impact on server performance. GFI MailArchiver’s stub-free approach to Outlook integration is an industry first. GFI MailArchiver also provides administrators with full real-time synchronization of all folders and email in the Exchange mailbox.
Integration with Outlook – including Outlook 2010 - means that archived email can be accessed from Outlook as if it were in an Exchange mailbox or a local PST file. While other products also offer Outlook integration, GFI MailArchiver does so without using stub files; a method that is discouraged by Microsoft as it creates problems for administrators. When using stub files, small portions of each email are still left in the Exchange Server store, taking up space and creating a negative impact on server performance. GFI MailArchiver’s stub-free approach to Outlook integration is an industry first. GFI MailArchiver also provides administrators with full real-time synchronization of all folders and email in the Exchange mailbox.
Helps with regulatory compliance
By archiving all company email, GFI MailArchiver helps organizations comply with regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 and Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, public companies must prove that their internal controls and audit trails are sound and that their processes are capable of producing certifiably correct data. Companies must retain all correspondence created, sent, or received in connection with an audit or review of a public company for a period of seven years, during which time these records must remain non-erasable and non-rewritable. This includes any electronic records such as email, particularly relating to subjects, departments or individuals involved in auditing procedures. Failure to comply is a crime, punishable by up to 10 years in jail.
By archiving all company email, GFI MailArchiver helps organizations comply with regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 and Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, public companies must prove that their internal controls and audit trails are sound and that their processes are capable of producing certifiably correct data. Companies must retain all correspondence created, sent, or received in connection with an audit or review of a public company for a period of seven years, during which time these records must remain non-erasable and non-rewritable. This includes any electronic records such as email, particularly relating to subjects, departments or individuals involved in auditing procedures. Failure to comply is a crime, punishable by up to 10 years in jail.
Audits archived email for tamper-free guarantee
GFI MailArchiver includes auditing functionality that ensures all archived emails have not been tampered with. This is particularly important in industries and countries where regulations require organizations to monitor user activity and keep audit trails of such activity. GFI MailArchiver offers two types of auditing:
GFI MailArchiver includes auditing functionality that ensures all archived emails have not been tampered with. This is particularly important in industries and countries where regulations require organizations to monitor user activity and keep audit trails of such activity. GFI MailArchiver offers two types of auditing:
IMPROVED! Helps identify business issues with MailInsights reports
GFI MailArchiver allows companies to leverage the data stored in their email archive to deliver business intelligence reports that are unique and highly relevant to management, IT admins and other stakeholders. MailInsights provides an easy-to-use web-based interface that lets companies securely generate PDF reports that can help businesses identify risk and manage email productivity through actionable information found in their email history. Reports can be scheduled and delivered by email, or issued on demand.

Features to make life easier:
Support for virtual environments
Organizations that are currently using or plan to use virtualization on their network can still install and use a range of GFI® products with confidence. GFI MailArchiver supports and runs on the most common virtualization technologies in use, namely VMware®, Microsoft Virtual Server and Microsoft Hyper-V®.
Organizations that are currently using or plan to use virtualization on their network can still install and use a range of GFI® products with confidence. GFI MailArchiver supports and runs on the most common virtualization technologies in use, namely VMware®, Microsoft Virtual Server and Microsoft Hyper-V®.
Streamlined install
In order to make the administrator’s life as simple as possible, GFI MailArchiver features a streamlined installation process which can automatically configure Exchange journaling and folder synchronization.
In order to make the administrator’s life as simple as possible, GFI MailArchiver features a streamlined installation process which can automatically configure Exchange journaling and folder synchronization.
Post-install wizard
GFI MailArchiver features a post-install wizard that enables administrators to correctly configure their archive settings.
GFI MailArchiver features a post-install wizard that enables administrators to correctly configure their archive settings.
GFI MailArchiver features a graphical, dynamic dashboard that displays the status of various archiving processes. This makes it easier for administrators to spot potential errors before they become an issue.
GFI MailArchiver features a graphical, dynamic dashboard that displays the status of various archiving processes. This makes it easier for administrators to spot potential errors before they become an issue.
Set up email retention and categorization policies
Setting up an email retention policy is critical for businesses.
Setting up an email retention policy is critical for businesses.
Give viewing rights and exempt users from archiving
GFI MailArchiver allows you to grant a user viewing rights to all email relating to a specific active directory group; for example, the sales manager can view all email sent or received by his or her team.
GFI MailArchiver allows you to grant a user viewing rights to all email relating to a specific active directory group; for example, the sales manager can view all email sent or received by his or her team.
Collect and archive emails in one geographical location
GFI MailArchiver provides the possibility of centralizing email archiving to one physical location by polling emails from multiple locations: For example, an organization that operates in the US, UK and Australia may want to archive email of all offices centrally in one location – the US office.
GFI MailArchiver provides the possibility of centralizing email archiving to one physical location by polling emails from multiple locations: For example, an organization that operates in the US, UK and Australia may want to archive email of all offices centrally in one location – the US office.
Multi-lingual support for email indexing
GFI MailArchiver ships with multi-lingual support. The product supports organizations who receive email in English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Czech, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
GFI MailArchiver ships with multi-lingual support. The product supports organizations who receive email in English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Czech, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
Support for all major browsers
GFI MailArchiver supports Internet Explorer®, Firefox®, Google Chrome™ and Safari®.
GFI MailArchiver supports Internet Explorer®, Firefox®, Google Chrome™ and Safari®.

Great features for the user:
IMPROVED! Access your email archive from any device
GFI MailArchiver stores all your organization’s email in a central location that is quick and easy to access in the office or on the go. You can view your email archive in the following ways:
GFI MailArchiver stores all your organization’s email in a central location that is quick and easy to access in the office or on the go. You can view your email archive in the following ways:
Offline access to the email archive
GFI MailArchiver uses an Outlook Connector to makes it easy for users to access their archived email from within their Outlook email client. As well as providing seamless, real time access to the email archive, the Outlook Connector can be configured to give users access to a predefined number of email in an offline cache. Unlike PST files which are hard to manage and email can be lost if the PST is corrupted, the cache that is created on the client’s side can be completely rebuilt and is managed automatically by GFI MailArchiver7.
GFI MailArchiver uses an Outlook Connector to makes it easy for users to access their archived email from within their Outlook email client. As well as providing seamless, real time access to the email archive, the Outlook Connector can be configured to give users access to a predefined number of email in an offline cache. Unlike PST files which are hard to manage and email can be lost if the PST is corrupted, the cache that is created on the client’s side can be completely rebuilt and is managed automatically by GFI MailArchiver7.
Advanced email search and 'saved search' capabilities
Having a central store of email enables users to easily search through their past email and attachments (Microsoft Word®, Excel®, PDF, ZIP and many other formats). Once a search has been defined, the user can save the search criteria for easy reference at a later date, similar to Microsoft Outlook search folders. For example, you may save a search that displays all email correspondence with client X. GFI MailArchiver features a fast search option which includes exclusion parameters like ‘and’, ‘or’ and others, thereby enabling users to perform more targeted searches.
Having a central store of email enables users to easily search through their past email and attachments (Microsoft Word®, Excel®, PDF, ZIP and many other formats). Once a search has been defined, the user can save the search criteria for easy reference at a later date, similar to Microsoft Outlook search folders. For example, you may save a search that displays all email correspondence with client X. GFI MailArchiver features a fast search option which includes exclusion parameters like ‘and’, ‘or’ and others, thereby enabling users to perform more targeted searches.
One-click restore a single email to a mailbox
By simply clicking on a button, the user or the administrator can restore an email to a user’s inbox in its original format. GFI MailArchiver restores any archived email (even deleted email) and these are re-sent to the user as an attachment.
By simply clicking on a button, the user or the administrator can restore an email to a user’s inbox in its original format. GFI MailArchiver restores any archived email (even deleted email) and these are re-sent to the user as an attachment.

For more information about GFI MailArchiver,
please contact our Sales Representative at 2556 2162, or email at sales@ppn.com.hk.
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