
Web & Mail Security
GFI WebMonitor is available in three editions:
- WebFilter edition: Includes time- and bandwidth-based browsing control, as well as website categorization and URL filtering for increased productivity and security
- WebSecurity edition: Includes download control, virus scanning through multiple anti-virus engines and anti-phishing as well as control for most IM clients
- UnifiedProtection edition: Combines both WebFilter and WebSecurity editions
The features below are available in all editions. Features available exclusively in a particular edition are listed further down on this page.

Features of GFI WebMonitor - WebFilter Edition and UnifiedProtection Edition
NEW! Search engine monitoring
Monitoring what users are searching for in major search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!) helps you identify potential issues such as employees making frequent use of job-related searches or researching bomb-making, terrorism and other suspicious activity.

Surf time policies – reduce productivity loss
With GFI WebMonitor, an administrator can define policies based on surf time.
With GFI WebMonitor, an administrator can define policies based on surf time.
Bandwidth policies – control bandwidth hogs
The administrator can also define policies based on bandwidth thresholds.
The administrator can also define policies based on bandwidth thresholds.
WebGrade ™ category and reputation database with coverage of over 280m URLs
GFI WebMonitor allows you to define web browsing policies to restrict access to particular categories of websites,and set time or bandwidth thresholds of your choice, on a per user or per IP basis.
GFI WebMonitor allows you to define web browsing policies to restrict access to particular categories of websites,and set time or bandwidth thresholds of your choice, on a per user or per IP basis.
Enforcing of SafeSearch
With GFI WebMonitor it is possible to mandate SafeSearch on search engines.
With GFI WebMonitor it is possible to mandate SafeSearch on search engines.
WebFilter policy exceptions
Apart from a generic blacklist/whitelist, the administrator can also define site exceptions for each particular policy.
Apart from a generic blacklist/whitelist, the administrator can also define site exceptions for each particular policy.
Mitigate legal liability
Without the ability to exercise some form of management over what your users are browsing, you leave yourself open to legal liability in a variety of ways.
Without the ability to exercise some form of management over what your users are browsing, you leave yourself open to legal liability in a variety of ways.
Website reputation-based filtering
Waiting for a website to be classified as dangerous can be a risky game to play.
Waiting for a website to be classified as dangerous can be a risky game to play.
Policies to block streaming media
As audio and video streaming has become an integral part of many websites, GFI WebMonitor now allows you to save bandwidth by blocking streaming media.
As audio and video streaming has become an integral part of many websites, GFI WebMonitor now allows you to save bandwidth by blocking streaming media.
Soft blocking – warn and allow
Allow trusted users to override blocking after warning them that a URL is in breach of company policy; putting into practice the concept of self-policing.
Allow trusted users to override blocking after warning them that a URL is in breach of company policy; putting into practice the concept of self-policing.
Access Monitoring Activity Log
View an exact trail of what a user has done, including the time when a specific website was visited. This log offers an option to view a listing of sites/pages which have been accessed together with the time and date of when they were accessed.
View an exact trail of what a user has done, including the time when a specific website was visited. This log offers an option to view a listing of sites/pages which have been accessed together with the time and date of when they were accessed.
Flexible policies and policy exceptions
Policies are flexible and allow you to either define generic blocks or to specify more refined rules for particular groups of people.
Policies are flexible and allow you to either define generic blocks or to specify more refined rules for particular groups of people.
Features of GFI WebMonitor - WebSecurity Edition and UnifiedProtection Edition
Manage which file types users can download
Create multiple user/group/IP-based download control policies to reflect your organization’s security policies, blocking the download of particular potentially malicious file types (such as exe, msi and more) for particular users, groups or IP addresses. You can also limit file types which could have legal implications for your business (such as MP3 or MPEG files).
Create multiple user/group/IP-based download control policies to reflect your organization’s security policies, blocking the download of particular potentially malicious file types (such as exe, msi and more) for particular users, groups or IP addresses. You can also limit file types which could have legal implications for your business (such as MP3 or MPEG files).
Scan downloaded files with multiple antivirus engines
GFI WebMonitor uses multiple virus scanners to protect you against inadvertently downloading malicious files.
GFI WebMonitor uses multiple virus scanners to protect you against inadvertently downloading malicious files.
Protect against socially engineered phishing websites
Phishing is a social engineering technique that is used by malicious hackers to acquire personal information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details.
Phishing is a social engineering technique that is used by malicious hackers to acquire personal information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details.
Instant messaging (IM) control
Block IM clients, including Live Messenger(MSN), FaceBook Chat, GTalk/Gmail Chat, Yahoo! Messenger, and thin instant messaging portals which are used to circumvent IM blocking policies. This feature includes an auto-update engine to be able to distribute new signatures as soon as they are discovered.
Block IM clients, including Live Messenger(MSN), FaceBook Chat, GTalk/Gmail Chat, Yahoo! Messenger, and thin instant messaging portals which are used to circumvent IM blocking policies. This feature includes an auto-update engine to be able to distribute new signatures as soon as they are discovered.
GFI WebMonitor for ISA/TMG
GFI WebMonitor is also available as a dedicated plug-in for Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server and Threat Management Gateway Server (TMG).
GFI WebMonitor is also available as a dedicated plug-in for Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server and Threat Management Gateway Server (TMG).
Blocking of malicious websites – powered by GFI ThreatTrack
GFI WebMonitor provides the ability to proactively block websites serving malware, phishing, rogue software, exploits or other malicious content.
GFI WebMonitor provides the ability to proactively block websites serving malware, phishing, rogue software, exploits or other malicious content.

Features available in all editions

NEW! Action-based alerts
With GFI WebMonitor you can receive alerts when specific issues occur. Its alerting features are very flexible and you can set them up based on your choice of triggers.

NEW! Smart dashboards
The dashboards and analytical pages allow you to immediately identify problems as they happen: whether it is a specific user who is leading the Top Browser list again, a category which is causing too much productivity loss, a website which is draining all your bandwidth, or a user who is always browsing malicious or potentially malicious websites.

SQL Server support
GFI WebMonitor allows you to use an installation of SQL Server or SQL Server Express as its logging database.
GFI WebMonitor allows you to use an installation of SQL Server or SQL Server Express as its logging database.
Controlled access to the configuration and monitoring interface
GFI WebMonitor is configured through a web UI which allows you to access it remotely. To control access, IT administrators can select which users can access the program’s configuration and monitoring interfaces.
GFI WebMonitor is configured through a web UI which allows you to access it remotely. To control access, IT administrators can select which users can access the program’s configuration and monitoring interfaces.
Monitor or block a connection in real time
Administrators can see what websites users are currently browsing and what files are being downloaded.
Administrators can see what websites users are currently browsing and what files are being downloaded.
Easy interactive access to monitoring information
GFI WebMonitor issues detailed reports on all user access and blocked access by users, by sites, by categories.
GFI WebMonitor issues detailed reports on all user access and blocked access by users, by sites, by categories.
Monitor hidden downloads
GFI WebMonitor can be configured to display a download progress window while a file is being downloaded and scanned.
GFI WebMonitor can be configured to display a download progress window while a file is being downloaded and scanned.
Allow exceptions through whitelist and blacklist
Any URL or user or IP can be added permanently or temporarily to the whitelist or blacklist which will supersede all web filtering and web security policies.
Any URL or user or IP can be added permanently or temporarily to the whitelist or blacklist which will supersede all web filtering and web security policies.
Proxy caching
GFI WebMonitor implements caching, such that files and other objects/resources are delivered to the end-user from a cache on the GFI WebMonitor machine when possible, thus improving performance and reducing bandwidth consumption.
GFI WebMonitor implements caching, such that files and other objects/resources are delivered to the end-user from a cache on the GFI WebMonitor machine when possible, thus improving performance and reducing bandwidth consumption.
HTTPS scanning
GFI WebMonitor can decrypt SSL-encrypted web traffic, scan its contents for malware, and re-encrypt it. This stops users from bypassing your blocking policies by accessing sites over HTTPS.
GFI WebMonitor can decrypt SSL-encrypted web traffic, scan its contents for malware, and re-encrypt it. This stops users from bypassing your blocking policies by accessing sites over HTTPS.
Anonymization of personal data
In some countries, notably Italy and Germany, the law requires that any personally identifiable information is not easily available, and should be revealed only under certain circumstances (e.g., investigation by relevant authorities).
In some countries, notably Italy and Germany, the law requires that any personally identifiable information is not easily available, and should be revealed only under certain circumstances (e.g., investigation by relevant authorities).
Support for virtual environments
Organizations that are currently using or plan to use virtualization on their network can still install and use a range of GFI products with confidence.
Organizations that are currently using or plan to use virtualization on their network can still install and use a range of GFI products with confidence.

For more information about GFI Languard,
please contact our Sales Representative at 2556 2162, or email at sales@ppn.com.hk.
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