
Content Archiving - Email, File and SharePoint Archiving Solution

MessageSolution EEA Supervisor provides organizations with an email archive that harnesses highly integrated, real time monitoring for compliance and centralized policy execution.
EEA Supervisor allows compliance officers to proactively search through the email archive logs for any violations of industry regulations or corporate email policies in employees’ behaviors, electronic communications, email contents, or files and attachments.
EEA Supervisor provides real time monitoring of the email archive, allowing companies to catch any regulatory violations in a timely manner in order to take necessary actions.
Key Features
- Automated activity tracking creates logs of all accessing, viewing, and action taken on the email archive for the location of behaviors and patterns violating policy
- Hierarchical departmental managing and supervising structures can be leveraged to effectively manage workflow
- Sophisticated case management protocols enable organizations to intelligently predict and control potential future exposure and communication violations
- Streamlined integration into an organization’s existing infrastructure creates a cost-effective policy control tool
- Detailed content analysis enforces supervision at all levels of the organization, increasing efficiency and accuracy in corporate messaging delivery
For more information about MessageSolution,
please contact our Sales Representative at 2556 2162, or email at sales@ppn.com.hk.
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