
Content Archiving - Email, File and SharePoint Archiving Solution

DocAve Archiver for Microsoft SharePoint
DocAve Archiver is the industry’s first truly seamless, business-rule aware, item-level archiving solution for Microsoft SharePoint with full content index and search support.
With data volumes increasing rapidly, companies can quickly run out of valuable SQL server space. When it is time to expand your production environment, consider implementing the DocAve Archiver instead of deploying additional SQL servers. Your company can save thousands just in license fees, and end-users can seamlessly search and view the archived content and fully access it from within an active SharePoint site.
As with all AvePoint software, DocAve Archiver leverages only fully supported Microsoft methodologies and API’s.
Business Advantages
Key Advantages of the Archiver
Archive an Entire Site with a Single Click
Effortlessly offload entire Microsoft SharePoint sites as well as their child nodes to more cost-effective storage media, while maintaining the same level of accessibility. This helps organizations effectively manage site proliferation, improve server performance, and reduce storage costs.
Free up SQL Storage Space to Reduce Cost
The Archiver allows you to dramatically reduce costs by reducing the number of SQL servers you need as your data expands. You can easily archive SharePoint data from production SQL servers in any local or network drive. Integrate with EMC Centera storage to de-duplicate documents, further optimizing storage resources.
Improve SharePoint Performance
The expansion of data tremendously affects back-end SharePoint storage not only from a cost standpoint, but also from a management perspective. Improve performance of the most commonly used data by archiving older data (example: older files and older versions). The Archiver will help free end-users of quota limitations, and provide unmatched manageability and scalability.
No impact on End-User Access to Archived SharePoint Data
Archived data can always be accessed by end-users via a stub (redirect URL) on its “old” SharePoint location. It can be searched for via native SharePoint search, viewed, and, if any modifications are necessary, restored to its original location. Leveraging the Remote BLOB Storage API, the storage outside the SQL server is practically transparent to the end-user. No special skills or end-user permission to the DocAve Archiver is required, because it operates within the active Microsoft SharePoint environment.
Secure Environment for Upholding Privacy and Confidentiality
Robust 128-bit data encryption (included for optional configuration), enterprise-strength compression, online patch and license management, secure password-protected access to the interface with different roles and permissions for administrator accounts ensure complete data integrity.
For more information about Avepoint,
please contact our Sales Representative at 2556 2162, or email at sales@ppn.com.hk.
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