
Servers & Desktop Virtualization

Business Continuity
Ensure Critical Business Functions are Continuously Available
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” –Sun Tzu The nature of IT systems is that at some point something will go wrong. While disasters and unplanned downtime rank as top concerns for most organizations, planned downtime for hardware maintenance and backups ranks as the top cause for downtime. Other factors such as application failure, selective component failures and SAN issues may disrupt physical or virtual clusters and entire bring down entire sites. However, companies can tackle these challenges by adopting a business-centric approach which provides the maximum depth of protection from the widest set of downtime threats. Neverfail was designed to help support your organization’s business continuity plan by preventing and protecting against a wide variety of threats and providing seamless access to customers, suppliers, regulators, and other entities that must have access to critical business functions.
The Neverfail Solution: Neverfail v6
- Ensure business continuity by creating a dependable, cost-efficient disaster recovery plan supported by off-the-shelf software that’s easy to deploy and manage.
- Leverage one availability solution across your entire IT infrastructure instead of adding cost and complexity to your business continuity plan by using multiple tools.
- Eliminate both planned and unplanned downtime for critical business systems using a combination of high availability and disaster recovery.

- Neverfail intelligently discovers all application files, registry settings, services and databases associated with a specific application.
- The Neverfail Continuous Availability Director provides an enterprise-wide, business-centric view of critical applications and IT services.
- Saves time, money and lowers risk by eliminating any customization or scripting required to support specific applications.
- Automatically monitors the availability of all key services associated with a specific application.
- Improves availability by showing not only whether a server is available or not, but what is happening within the application.
- Protects Microsoft® Exchange, SQL and File Servers, SharePoint® and IIS, as well as RIM BlackBerry®, Progress® OpenEdge® RDBMS, Oracle® database or Lotus® Domino®.
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