
Servers & Desktop Virtualization

Disaster Recovery
Keeping Applications Running When Disaster Strikes
Disaster. The very word summons images of flood, fire, power outages, other site-wide catastrophes and expensive recovery costs. All disaster scenarios may not be so severe, but they are all equally disruptive to business operations.
Employees and customers must be able to use business-critical applications at any time, day or night. Access to these applications becomes even more critical in the event of a disaster. Disaster Recovery solutions based on traditional backup alone do not work. Their recovery times are measured in hours, if not days.
The Neverfail Solution: Neverfail v6
- Proactively monitors the entire server environment including multi-server business applications like Microsoft SharePoint, messaging systems and other applications like CRM and ERP.
- Replicates data in real-time even over low-bandwidth, high latency WAN connections.
- Provides seamless failover and failback using application-specific awareness, integration and automation capabilities.

- Neverfail intelligently discovers all application files, registry settings, services and databases associated with a specific application.
- Saves time, money and lowers risk by eliminating any customization or scripting required to support specific applications.
- Automatically monitors the availability of all key services associated with a specific application.
- Improves availability by showing not only whether a server is available or not, but what is happening within the application.
- Provides data compression and inline data de-duplication options for low bandwidth environments.500
- Protects Microsoft® Exchange, SQL and File Servers, SharePoint® and IIS, as well as RIM BlackBerry®, Progress® OpenEdge® RDBMS, Oracle® database or Lotus® Domino®.
please contact our Sales Representative at 2556 2162, or email at sales@ppn.com.hk
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